
At Familjen, we specialize in writing, editing, food and lifestyle photography, graphic design, book production, and social media consulting.

Curated Stays

A new part of Studio Familjen is Familjen Stays, two cozy stays in Ingå and Kimitoön, Finland, available for booking through airbnb.

Browse Portfolio

Vi brinner för storytelling kring matkultur!

Kommunikation kring matproduktion, matkultur och mathantverk är vår passion. Vi jobbar bland annat med storytelling från jord till bord, matfotografering och kommunikationskonsultation.

Communication regarding food production, food culture, and artisanal food is our passion. We work with storytelling from farm to table, food photography, and communication consulting. 



  • Karin Lindroos

    Writer, Editor, Photographer, Social media consultant

  • Astrid Lindroos


  • Magnus Lindström

    Graphic Designer

  • Erik Lindroos
